G-RACE (GRACE) – What comes to your mind when you hear the word or think about the word “GRACE?“
Grace can be accorded to our works and actions, we can receive it and most times we can’t explain it. But our works or actions are not what qualifies us for grace. Grace is often given to the un-deserved. Grace is God’s generosity, and acts of benevolence toward man.
Grace can be broken into two parts:
G – God’s divine energy. His energy is received through his unconditional love, mercy, and faith.
Race – It is the purposeful movement towards a deeply desired goal.
Grace is God’s continuous divine energy powering a man (man is a spirit which is present in two different physical body houses, male or female) towards an eternal goal or destination.
This is Grace in the aspect of vision.
As humans, we are looking forward to accomplishing certain goals, it could be in the area of our career, business, health, or, and family. God has already given us the necessary gift and ability that we need to accomplish our goals and visions, and that gift and ability is called GRACE. I have seen many successful people mention grace as the secret behind their success. So much hard work without grace can be frustrating, and this is the reason; it’s not our work that qualifies us for grace, it’s our ability to acknowledge that we need God’s help in various aspects of our lives and then ask for that help. Grace is given not purchased.
This blog is to lift a soul up, you might have done all you think you know, and nothing might seem like it’s working, please ask for grace. It requires humility to ask, humble yourself and ask for grace and that could make a whole lot of difference in your life. God’s energy can not be compared to Man’s energy, His energy is infinite. Your dreams and visions might look too big for you, but it’s not too big for God. Common men and women are made great through grace. Grace mixed with hard, smart work will make you unstoppable. I encourage you to try GRACE today my dear friends.
Thank you for taking out your time to read this short blog, if the best is what you believe you desire, then go for it, GRACE has been made available to you. I hope this blog has helped you to realize that and to believe that. Thank you and stay tuned.
Co-Writers; David Nathaniel and
Precious Nwafor.