A man looks at a situation and see a problem, Another man looks at that same situation and see an opportunity. Same situation, different views. What is the difference? The answer is GROWTH!
Permit me to say that without growth, it is actually impossible for an individual to lead and achieve a meaningful and fulfilled life. Growth is not perfection, I need you to understand that, growth is a continuous process so there’s no perfection in it. Personal growth is the essence of living, and personal growth is dimensional and in different phases. Put in a simple word; Growing is Living.
I remember the early days when I started my growth journey, it wasn’t all that pleasant, but there was something intriguing about it. It wasn’t pleasant because most of the things I knew and believed was challenged, it was intriguing because I started seeing other dimensions of myself I never knew existed or where there. Both experiences made it more interesting for me and I decided that am going to make it a lifestyle. Has the journey been easy so far? NO! Has it been perfect? Hell NO! Has it been worth it? Absolutely YES!
Growth has different aspects, the physical aspect of growth is somewhat automatic. Whether you like it or not, you will become a year older by next year. But when it comes to other aspects of growth, it must be intentionally enforced, it can’t happen automatically. This is why; When we grow physically we encounter so many experiences, but what we do with those experiences is a function of the growth we encounter on the other aspects. The other aspects we have; SPIRITUAL, MENTAL, EMOTIONAL, AND SOCIAL GROWTH. All these aspects when worked on intentionally, contributes to a better and a greater life.
ESSENCE means the intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something, that determines its value and character. It can also be defined as a property or group of properties of something without which it would not exist or be what it is. I defined this for us to have a mental picture of what I meant when I said that growth is the essence of living. This means that our lives can’t be what it’s suppose to be or can’t be valuable and tangible without growth. The most common craves of every man which include; Connection, Significance, Certainty, Variety, Contribution, relevance, can not be ascertained and achieved without growth.
The issue of growth can not be over emphasized, and certainly can not be thoroughly explained in a few pages of a blog post. My intent is to re-establish the importance of growth and how it can help us lead a meaningful, happy, successful and fulfilled life. And I hope that this short read will help do that. I just want you to remember one more thing, that every other aspects of growth is intentionally enforced. There has to be deliberate plans to consciously work on them, it doesn’t happen automatically. But don’t let it overwhelm you, all you need is to seek for help, and we at MERKURIUSMIND, we are here to help you. I sought for help and I still seek help till date because growth is a journey that never ends.
You can send us an email at info@merkuriusmind.com, or visit our website @ Merkuriusmind.com to book your free discovery session, my team will be more than glad to assist you and make sure you are taken care of. Thank you for taking out your precious time to read this blog, we appreciate you. Please stay tuned and subscribe to this blog so you can get more of our valuable content anytime we publish a new one. God bless you!
Growth is indeed a journey that never ends. I like how you listed the most common craves of every man which I could feel but was never able to clearly identify. Now i know: Connection, Significance, Certainty, Variety, Contribution, relevance. Will individually measure where i am in these dynamics. You are a blessing!
Thank you.