MERKURIUS is a brand of inestimable value, but is not just a brand,is a movement. MERKURIUS is the finnish word for MERCURY,which is a planet.
How do you understand and manage your mind just like you manage a person?MERKURIUS is here to offer tools,materials, and strategies to help you achieve that, i truly believe that the ability for us to become truly successful in life lies in the management of our minds. To thrive in business,career,family, or any other aspect of life is 80% psychology and 20% labor. To effectively and productively put your mind to work and develop a positive mindset,you need some tools,strategies, and materials,and that’s what we offer at MERKURIUS. So we are simply here to serve.
MERKURIUS is a planet, so the goal is to empower you to make a world out of yourself through the power of the mind. The one person that was called MERCURY in the bible was PAUL in Acts 14:12,because he did unimaginable miracles and gave a great speech. We have inside of us qualities that will make us become as great as Paul, even greater, what we need is to gain capabilities to maximize those qualities in us.
Now if am to relate this to our everyday life,isn’t it amazing how people manage their colleagues or sub-ordinates very well in the work force.They make stars out of individuals,but when it comes to their personal life is always a mess. What if you are taught strategies and given tools that can help you manage your mind productively and effectively just like you manage people? What difference do you think that will make in your life? Do you think it will worth it? Do you think it can take your life to the next level? Do you think acquiring and applying those strategies and tools will cause you to live a fulfilled life? The answer to all these questions is YES!!! You can find out at MERKURIUS!!! We will be so excited to serve you,and it will be an honor.