It’s Almost impossible to have in life what you don’t believe you can, although life might throw you some unexpected goodies sometimes, but no meaningful success happens without intentionality, you can’t stumble on lasting success, it’s consciously built. Growing up, we weren’t taught much about subconscious mind, only a few of us had that privilege, and am sure not one of them. We weren’t exposed to the measure of unlimited power we possess as humans. “All things are possible to them that believe” That’s what God told us, this means He already gave us unlimited power to create. And that power is embedded in our subconscious mind. But it’s unfortunate that when we don’t know the value of a thing, we won’t know how to use it effectively. Our subconscious mind has the unlimited capacity to bring into existence whatever we strongly believe. It works on auto-pilot, all it needs is what to work with, give it what to work on or with, and you will be surprised. People that lack this understanding suffer from it, they allow themselves to absorb and entertain negativity and ignorantly feeding their subconscious mind with it and in return the subconscious mind will work with it and create it for them, bringing it into reality. Many times you meet people complaining, I don’t know why nothing is working in my life, it seems like the whole world is against me, and that’s all they think and believe. Now this becomes the raw material they hand over to their subconscious mind for production.

OUR SUBCONSCIOUS MIND HAS THE UNLIMITED CAPACITY TO PRODUCE OR CREATE WHAT EVER IT’S GIVEN. If this is the only thing you picked from today’s blog, it will transform your life in a great way. I want you to understand this; It’s not our subconscious mind that is the problem, it’s what we feed it to work with or work on. And the issue of what we feed it is where the conscious mind comes in play. Our conscious mind is the part that observes and interacts with our physical environment. It is influenced by our surroundings and that in turn influence what we think on the most, and remember what we think on the most tend to become a belief over time. Being cautious about what you allow and absorb in your conscious mind is the key to letting your subconscious mind create the life you truly desire. Every human desires a great life, but the question is; Do you think on those desires or is it just a passive thought? I call it a “decorative thought” those thought you think about only when you feel good. Do you think on your desires only when you feel good? and when you feel a little bit stress, you fill yourself with demeaning thoughts and negativity. You can’t enjoy the creative power of your subconscious mind that way.

When I began this journey to study and understand how powerful the subconscious mind is and how I can use it to create the life that I want, it wasn’t an easy journey. The fact that the environment I grew up in, was filled with men and women of fixed mindset made it more difficult for me. I had so many limiting beliefs, my definition of what a great life looks like for people like me was pathetic. The ideologies and belief system I was brought up in, made it seem like life has already chosen who will be great and who will not. As far as am concern, there’s already a clear distinction between us and them (by them, I mean the privileged) at least that’s what we called them. I believed that it was destined to be that way, I believed that no matter how hard I worked there are certain level I can’t reach in life. That kind of level has already been selected or predestined for the privileged whether they work hard for it or not. WHAT A STUPID MENTALITY. But I thank God, I broke those mental shackles, those mental paralysis. But it’s unfortunate that many people today still suffer those paralysis and are still in shackles.And For those people I write this blog today, listen friend, you don’t have to stay there anymore. I have tested life on that side, and now I am on the other side, and still going, but the truth I can tell you is, that life is way more better, sweeter, meaningful and fulfilling over on this side. You may not know it, you may not believe it, I didn’t many years ago, but don’t beat yourself up for it. Just know that you still will not know or believe it unless you make a decision today to leave there and step over here, and start experiencing this tremendous life. Is it going to be easy? NO, Is it going to worth it? ABSOLUTELY YES!. Listen, your conscious mind may not let you, it will battle with you. It already has too many limitations and excuses why it won’t be possible for someone like you, it might even be telling you right now that you are not good enough for this, that this is not for someone like you, you are too old or too young, you are not educated, you don’t have what it takes, your past is horrible and so on. I want YOU to scream at it right now, SHUT UP! whatever it told you was the reason you can’t do it, I want you to rephrase that statement positively and say it aloud to yourself. If I can, you can period.

The creative power of your subconscious mind cannot be positively utilized when you feed it negativity and limitations. Wonders are born when your conscious mind and subconscious mind agree on a thing. “Can two walk together unless they agreed?” “If two agree on anything and believe, it will be done for them.” Now is not too late, it’s just the beginning of a greater life and future. Now you know the part to play, and your subconscious mind will take care of the rest. Start changing your beliefs, start being intentional about what you think and focus on. Start a 30 days challenge, where you will be more intentional and observe your thoughts, and keep at it, and watch how your life will change for better. If you need help with any of this, on how to get rid of those limiting beliefs and employ empowering ones, or need to know more about the function of the mind (subconscious and conscious) so you can make great use of it, You can always reach out to us @ and we will be more than happy to help you. We are here to serve you, to be a shoulder you can lean on, to help you discover your path to greatness, so you can pursue it.

Thank you for reading this blog, we hope this helps you realize the unlimited creative power you carry inside you. We hope this will challenge you to take actions. Remember, at the end; It is action and not just decisions that moves us closer to our dreams. STAY TUNED, AND I WILL SEE YOU AGAIN NEXT WEEK.







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