3 wheels of extra ordinary life
There are three wheels that can drive you to an extra ordinary life, a life of fortune and significance.
These wheels are; SPIRITUALITY, MINDSET, AND CHARACTER. These three is where every other life tools hang on. The image above, is a cover page for my new published book where I dealt with this treble in a very simple way. The good news is; it is available online both hard copy and soft copy (eBook) so please get a copy of this life changing book for yourself and family, and friends too. This book is an easy read, but the impact it will bring to your life when the principles stated therein is applied will be a lifetime impact. The author wrote this book with the well being of the readers in mind.
1. SPIRITUALITY; This is very important, because when we don’t feel a deep connection with our MAKER, it will be difficult to make meaning out of life. That deep feelings and deep beliefs that we relate with the spiritual realm, rather than the physical is spirituality. Remember man is tripartite in nature; spirit, soul and body. And we are not Humans having spiritual experience, rather we are spirits having human experience. So any lapses in our spirituality automatically affects our whole being. Am a strong believer and am honored to have a sweet relationship with God, but am not here to criticize any religion or preach religion. But the truth is; this is the No.1 wheel that is most important if you desire an extra ordinary life, a life of abundance. Knowing that you are connected to someone or something greater than yourself gives you purpose and also gives your life a meaning. There’s no true peace of mind without a deeper connection with your Maker. And peace is required to be effective and creative.
2. MINDSET; This is also very important, because no matter how deep you connect or communicate with the spiritual, your mind is required for those connection or communication to be effective. The mind is like the intermediary or mediator between the spiritual and the physical. Manifestation can not take place without the mind. This is why; it is very important as you build your spirituality, you develop your mind along with it. There are certain dreams or visions that you may receive through meditation or imagination, that may seem bigger than you, but with a developed mindset, you can actually materialized those visions or dreams. This is how it works; In the spirit realm, nothing is impossible, but it takes your mind to truly believe that, and convey it to your brain (body). Anything that will happen on the physical will first happen in your mind. So if you have a small mind, no matter how robust your spirit is, you will still remain small on the physical. In other words; your spirit can’t do anything without your mind. This is why it’s the No.2 wheel to extra ordinary life.
3. CHARACTER; This is very important too, because people don’t see your spirit, they don’t see your mind, they only see your character. Interrelationship is the core nature of man, just like the popular saying; “No man is an Island” . The best resources any man could ever have in life, is Human Resources. God made human in such a way that, we won’t only need Him, but we will also need each other. Every human is like a piece in a puzzle, and for a puzzle to be complete, you must find each piece and place it in the right place. This is why; True happiness is not in what you can get, but what you can give. You are not truly successful till you can touch the lives of people around you. So this is where character comes into play, relationships are built, developed, sustained and cemented through characters. The values of a man is seen through his characters and discipline. You can agree with me that your values attracts success, so if your values are perceived through your characters and dealings towards people. It simple means without good characters, your values can’t be seen. So building your characters is undoubtedly important and necessary. Your characters can get you where fame can’t. Self evaluation is the key to building great character, daily check in with yourself, but weekly or monthly assess or evaluate yourself. Understand this; you always attract who you are, if you want great people around you, develop great character.
Thank you for taking out your time to read this, I know your time is valuable, so I appreciate you. I hope you were able to gain some insight from this blog, that will serve you better. Please don’t forget to get your copy of this great book; and send us your reviews or comments.
I promise you, it is life transforming. I believe in you and I want you to be better. THANK YOU!
our website; merkuriusmind.com/
1 Comment
Hi Chidi,
It’s quite interesting how you expounded on the 3 wheels that can drive human to an extra ordinary life: a life of fortune and significance. As a matter of facts, the 3 points you enumerated needs everyone to do a sober reflections on them.
Thanks for sharing!