Thinking, Feeling and Choosing is the three things that happen in our minds. Thinking and feeling are the two important areas we need to focus on in our everyday lives. Because those two affects the choosing part (decision part). Sometimes we think according to how we feel at the moment, other times our feelings are a product of what we are thinking. You think about a bad incident, you begin to feel bad, you feel good about a new dress, you begin to think good thoughts. It all depends on what you are facing at a particular moment and your ability to control it.

Majority of the time, what we think determines how we feel, how we make decisions and how we act. Many times you might have heard people make statements like; “I acted without thinking, or I acted out of impulse or I didn’t even know what I was thinking”. All these statements indicates that there can actually be an action without forethought.

The question is; How can we discipline ourselves to think empowering thoughts, so we can actually feel good and possibly act good? If you consider this question and give it a thought, there’s a double reward that comes from it. When you think empowering thoughts, it sprouts up some positive emotional energy and you feel good. Now when you eventually make decisions and acts on them, you feel even better. So you feel good when you think the thoughts and feel much better when you act on the thoughts (Double Reward).

When we understand that these three things is what goes on in our minds (Thinking, Feeling and Choosing) it will help us to better observe them and to become better in different facets of our lives; In leadership, relationship, career, business and social life. When you understand that your action is richly based on how you feel, so if you are not feeling good at any moment, it will help you to pause, retract your movement and re-evaluate yourself before you act. Understanding this will help you make better decisions and fewer errors.

Whatever we focus on, we feel. And focus doesn’t happen without deep thoughts, so when we are mindful of what we think, it will help to filter what we focus on, which will regulate how we feel and then govern how we act. This is something that from the moment I understood it, I gained control. It doesn’t mean am perfect, but I improved.

A young man or woman that acted nice towards you today, can act like a beast towards you tomorrow, and it will seem like they have split personality. This is as a result of lack of understanding of these three things that happen in our minds. Our brains has more than 90 billion neurons that make 100 trillion connections or synapses, and this great number of neurons is responsible for the traits that make us uniquely humans; our thoughts, memories and emotions. So it’s not going to be easy to navigate all the activities that happen in our brains in order to gain control of these three things (Thinking,Feeling,Choosing) but it’s worth it when we try.

As I conclude this week’s blog, I just need you to understand that there’s always room for growth and improvement in life. There’s always a better side to move on to, you don’t have to normalize emotional torture and suffering because you think or believe there’s no other way. If you need help, seek it. Do not spend the later days of your life wallowing in pains of regret, the time to act is now, and this is what me and my team are here for, to help you, it’s what we live for.

And in case you are wondering what are the things that you can think on to make you feel good, make good decisions and act on them, for a start I will suggest you read a verse of scripture, Philippians 4:8; even if you are not a person of faith, I understand, am not here to judge anyone or preach religion. I love you just like I love everyone else and I want the best for you. That scripture will be a great way to start, I promise you.

Thank you for taking out your time to read this blog, we hope it added value to your life. STAY TUNED, we have amazing thing for you next week.








  • This has been very helpful. I struggle with Feelings-dependent performance most of the time. But I will retract, rethink before i act. Thank you.

    • Thank you for reading it, am glad you find it helpful.

  • I keep coming back to this specific post. So much to squeeze in..thank you

    • Thank you for reading it, am glad you find it interesting.

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